Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Tambora Sanggar Panisular

Mt Tambora
See coment s for Dompu. Bima has eastern side access.

Tambora National Park
Nort Tambora Wildlife reserve and south Tambora Hunting Park
The north Tambora Wildlife ( 80.000 ha.) and the south Tambora Hunting Park (30.000 ha.) are two protected sites located in the north- west of Tambora/ mSanggar Penisular. The area is veery mountainous and is dominated by Mt. Tambora (2,851m), an old, originally almost 4000m high volcano which exploded in 1815 in what is known as the greatest eruption in modern geological times, affecting climate as far as Europe ( Such as having snow in june). both reserves are covered with primary forest dominated by Duabanga moluccana trees, although on the southern slopes of Mt Tambora large parts of the original forest have been logged. These southern slopes as covered by alang- alang grass.The rests of the area consist of a vast of open area, dissected by seasonally dry riverbeds. In the 6 km wide caldera of Mt Tambora a carter lake exist. The inner slopes are very steep and barren but yet , you can descend and camp near the lake.

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